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Having a disaster plan is essential for any situation where you and your family are without access to the essential items for survival. In the case of a significant cold virus, you need to be prepared and have many items to help boost your immune system to higher levels and help you reduce the overall time and effects of a cold virus. [1]


One common item mentioned is the use of elderberry. [2]


Elderberry helps to build up immunity while significantly cutting the cold period in some cases, in half. [3]


Here is a simple list of items for a disaster preparation plan in case you encounter a cold virus and, in some cases, that you must stay in your home.


  1. Use proper hygiene techniques throughout the day, including handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Wash your hands before and after touching food, washrooms, after contact with people and animals. â€‹

  2. Have at least 30 days of supplies for each person in your home.

  3. Several water containers for and use water purification tablets if the water is in question and not purified.

  4. Make sure that you have food items that are high in protein such as tuna, powder milk, chicken, meat products, and other high protein food items.

  5. Use a cold mist humidifier, one for each bedroom, if possible. 

  6. Distilled water for a humidifier.

  7. Have at least a 30-day supply of drinking water (96 oz) per person per day, men, and (75 oz) per day women and young children.

  8. Here is one major item to help boost your immune system.

Vitamin C is one of the main items to help during a cold. Vitamin C gummies (250 mg) each, three gummies in the morning, noon, and night time. At least 3000 mg to 4000 mg of vitamin C per person.


There are several claims that no virus can withstand a high dose of vitamin C.


It is essential to make sure that you drink the recommended daily amount of water before and after taking each dose of vitamin C.


There are many foods and vitamin supplements that also contain vitamin C.

  1. Here is a list of some essential herbs and other items to enable you to boost your immune system, items include:

  1. Elderberry syrup "not recommended for pregnant mothers."

  2. Coconut oil [4]

  3. Oregano oil [5]

  4. Garlic [6] [7]

  5. Take supplemental vitamins with all the first essential nutrients. [8]

  6. l-lysine for viruses [9]

  7. Here is a list of antiviral herbs: [10]

  8. Elderberry cough drops.

  9. Purchase additional staple products; paper towels, toilet paper, laundry detergent, bleach, whips, bleach tablets for the toilet, and disinfectant spray.

  10. Extra supply food items like pasta, canned tomato sauce, canned soup. Food and nonperishable items, such as ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits, vegetables, and soups, protein or fruit bars, dry cereal or granola, honey, peanut butter or nuts, dried fruit, crackers, canned juices, bottled water, canned or jarred baby food and formula, and pet food. Try to limit your sugar intake.

  11. Take some Probiotic Supplements.

  12. Purchase several N95 rated masks one for each member of your house and label each mask with their initials to prevent cross-contamination.

  13. Take time to get extra rest, naps at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night.

  14. Focus on developing some deep lung breathing methods. [11] [12] [13] [14]

  15. Make sure you have a good supply of medical items, band-aids, gloves, and all the necessary medical items, including rubbing alcohol and peroxide.

  16. Make sure you have extra supplies of prescriptions and medications on hand for those who need medication.

  17. Purchase extra batteries for LED flashlights, LED lanterns, and portable radio, batteries include, (AA), (AAA), (C), and (D).


Quarantine at home

Quarantine at home - coping tips [15]

COVID-19: What You Might Need If You're Quarantined at Home [16]


  1. Most important, we must trust in the power of prayer and help each other when possible. The quicker we can recover, the better we can help others in need.

  2. Also, take time to rest and focus on reducing stress, walking, exercising, relaxation breathing.


There's No Specific Drug That Kills Coronavirus. But Doctors Have Ways To Treat It

"At the end of the day, it's the person's immune system, rather than the doctors, that does the hard work of fighting off an infection. Drugs can help as well, whether it's for blood pressure, heart performance, or infection control."


Information links,

  1. 25 scientists were sent to China to research the coronavirus. Here's what they found. [17]

  2. There's No Specific Drug That Kills Coronavirus. But Doctors Have Ways To Treat It [18]

  3. The latest coronavirus death rate is 3.4% — higher than earlier figures. Older patients face the highest risk. [19]

  4. CDC urges at-risk Americans to ‘take action’ by stocking up on food and medicine for coronavirus [20]

  5. Dr. Oz's coronavirus survival guide [21]


One of the essential things is a plan for the worst and to pray for the best



Disclaimer, "no responsibility" disclaimer

Disclaimer,  "use at your own risk" disclaimer


The material presented in this document is the result of years of experience and planning. It has helped support many people and provides them with the ability to deal with disaster situations. It is your responsibility to have a plan and act according to your plan. It is far better to have a plan than not to have a plan.


The Scout Code:

"On my honor, I will do my best. To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight."


















































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