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Desired Knowledge and Qualifications in these areas

  • Identify Problem Opportunity Gaps (POG’s)

  • Creativity and Innovation· Proof of Concepts

  • Product Design and Development Process, MPD2

  • Product Design Using Phase Gate Process

  • Accounting Principles for Product Development

  • Financial Issues for Product Development

  • Global Product Design and Supply Chains

  • Product Requirements

  • Collaboration and Innovation

  • Product Development Partnerships

  • Project Management Process

  • Manufacturing Support

  • Design Processes

  • Quality Assurance Processes

  • CAD Design and Modeling

  • Product Engineering Methods

  • Prototype Development Optimization

  • Human Factors

  • Intellectual Capital Strategy

  • Marketing Analysis

  • Software Product Design and Development

  • Project Management and Schedule Tracking

  • Sales Analysis, S-Curve, Sales Data

  • Customer Quality and Support

  • ​Clear-Case Database Management Software

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